You probably already know this, which is why you’re here. Recording, mixing and processing multiple tracks of high definition audio, while generating sounds in response to virtual instruments is no easy task and draws on all elements of a computer system, not only this but Pro Tools has traditionally been extra picky about the specific system design setup and integration that even a system that works fine for some other DAW's still wont cut the grade for a Pro Tools rig. However your Pro Tools experience relies on the computer being able to handle very complex and resource heavy functions, that are far beyond what it has to accomplish when running Word or surfing the Internet. Pro Tools as a piece of software should be able to run on any compatible computer – and it can. Once the track is loaded, insert the ERA plugin you want in an available Inserts slot. Select the number of the tracks and the number of their channels (stereo or mono) that you prefer, depending on the audio you want to process. Β) Track Insert is the traditional way to load a plugin in Pro Tools. To open a plug-in through AudioSuite, open the AudioSuite menu and look for the plugin you want to use in the corresponding category. repair clipped samples in a vocal recording)